Thursday, March 10, 2016

March Update - Sauna and Alfa

I was able to experience something in February that every missionary to Estonia must experience. Sauna. I had never been to the sauna before so the pastor of the church we have been going to and working with invited me and the associate pastor to his house to go in the sauna and talk more about church planting and to get to know each other better. In Estonia, and many other European countries, you go into the sauna completely naked. No towel. No shorts. Nothing. Needless to say, this was something I was a little nervous about having never done anything like this in the States.

Instead of Mardi Gras, Estonia celebrates Vastlapäev or Shrove Tuesday. The Estonian tradition is to eat these „vastlakuklid” or Shrove muffins. They are served with whipped cream.
The Alfa course began at Kalju this month. This is a few of the people who came the first night. Concurrently with the Alfa course is the Beta course where believers go deeper in discipleship.
The sauna itself is a little room with benches to sit on and a small stove with stones on top. Every now and then, water was thrown on the stones to create more steam. The temperature was around 176-185 degrees Fahrenheit. We could only stay in for 5-10 minutes before exiting the sauna and cooling off in an adjacent room. There we talked more (this time with towels on) and then, after a while, went back in to the sauna. We did this three times before showering and dressing. It was definitely a cultural experience for me that really wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be. I would do it again if invited. Afterwards, I was told that I am now a true Estonian missionary.

Elaina and Lorelei both celebrated their birthdays in February. We were able to go to a presentation of Disney on Ice for their birthdays. The songs and speech were all in Estonian. They enjoyed it.
One of my Estonian friends asked me to come speak at his school for foreign language week. I spoke with 8-9 year old boys about America. The school is in Old Town very close to the Town Hall.
Kalju began their Alfa course in February as well. This is an outreach event that takes place on Thursdays to teach the basics of Christianity and preach the gospel. I go to help, engage in discussions with people, and further build relationships. Through this, pray that people come to know Jesus and lives are changed.

Please pray for the following:
  • Pray for continued partnership development and relationship building.
  • Pray that God would lead the right people to join us in the new church plant.
  • Pray for our upcoming family day that God would bring many people.
  • Pray for the people taking part in the Alfa course that God would soften their hearts and they would come to know Jesus as Savior.
  • Pray that God would help us to use the Estonian language more fluently.
If you or someone you know would like to support the mission and vision that God has given us for Estonia, then send your checks payable to BMAA Missions with “Mission:Estonia Work” in the memo line.  Mail them to the BMAA Missions Office at:

BMAA Missions
P.O. Box 878
Conway, AR 72033

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Your support goes toward helping Estonians find their way to Jesus. Join us!

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