Thursday, April 6, 2017

Important Message from Mission:Estonia

As missionaries, our main goal in ministry on the field was to see Estonians reaching Estonians. Throughout our time in Estonia, God has been showing us over and over again in many different ways that the people are beginning to reach their own successfully and do not really need foreign missionary help.

Through our time here we led a small group, taught children’s Sunday school in an Estonian church, and conducted a kids club that ministered to mostly American missionary kids. We have seen how through the seminary in Tartu, pastors and lay people are being taught/trained in different aspects of discipleship, leadership, and Christian life. Through the Baptist Union's Mission Center, missions is being done in Estonia and Estonian missionaries are being sent abroad. There is church planting training for Estonians whom God has called to church plant either nationally or internationally. Church planters are actively being trained and sent out. Results are already being seen as new churches are being planted, people are being reached with the gospel, and people are being baptized.

These aspects are very encouraging and fulfill what we came here to do, however, much of it had already been implemented during the four years that we were away from Estonia. I am excited to see Estonians reaching Estonians and seeing success in those efforts. However, because of these things, we are not especially needed here in Estonia anymore.

We are still passionate about missions. After much prayer, counseling with our pastor, and working with our missions department, we have decided to make the transition back to the States at the end of April 2017. Our kids club that we are conducting will end in April and will be the final thing needed to be wrapped up before we leave. I am passionate about teaching and training/equipping people for ministry and want to continue my education and earn a Ph.D in intercultural studies where I can teach at the seminary/university level. I have already been accepted into a program and will begin this fall. I trust that God will open doors for me to use my gift of teaching in this and other ways in the future.

This post will serve as my final post on this blog and will wrap up our mission work in Estonia. Thank you for your prayer and financial support over the years and for this opportunity to return to Estonia and to serve the Lord here.


Justin & Crystal Owens

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